Oh Henry
It is certain that I chose to attend the funeral of LA playwright (and LA theatre mascot) Henry Ong, in search of exactly what Henry was all about; love, humor, and personal connection.
Pero la verdad es que elegí asistir al funeral del dramaturgo de Los Ángeles (y de la mascota del teatro de Los Ángeles) Henry Ong, en busca de eso que exactamente era Henry: amor, humor y conexión personal.
Get Creative at our Dia de los Muertos Community Workshops!
Get creative with 24th STreet Theatre!
Learn about Dia de los Muertos traditions or show us your artistic talents! All ages welcome.
The Flores Family Needs Our Help
24th Street Theatre is helping raise money to assist the Flores family, one of our longtime neighborhood families. They lost their father, Hilario Flores, on August 10th in a tragic accident.
El Teatro 24 (24th Street Theatre) está ayudando a recaudar dinero para ayudar a la familia Flores, una de nuestras familias vecinas desde hace mucho tiempo. Perdieron a su padre, Hilario Flores, el 10 de agosto en un trágico accidente.
Talking to Children About: Financial Literacy / Hablando con niños sobre: Educación Financiera
With the new school year quickly approaching, students of all ages are also plunging into new responsibilities, including money. In light of this, we should take our own step and discuss with kids of all ages how to manage money. We compiled some resources to help:
Becoming Granny / Convirtiéndome en abuelita
One of the great things about summer at 24th STreet is that our former students, who are now in college, often stop in for a visit . . . But because I do sometimes find myself being the elder these days, and thus the keeper of traditions, I also have come to the point in my life where I’ve become my grandmother and I dispense unsolicited advice, just like my Granny did.
Back to School Health & Family Festival
Don’t miss this free Back-to-School Health & Family Festival that combines health and school supplies giveaway!
24th ST Friends Onstage at CalArts REDCAT's NOW Festival
How does REDCAT chooses its artists and what groundbreaking work are our artist friends presenting?
Meet our New Board President, Nathaniel Zeisler
We have sub-zero temperatures and a passion for supporting young artists to thank for bring Nate's family to Los Angeles, and 24th ST Theatre.
Tenemos que agradecer a las temperaturas bajo cero y a una pasión por apoyar a losartistas jóvenes, por llevar a la familia de Nate a Los Ángeles y al Teatro 24.
"24th ST has my heart / el Teatro 24 tiene mi corazón": Meet Board member Jacqueline Hamilton
At this political moment, sharing stories that connect people is more important than ever.
Passing the Gavel / Pasando la Batuta
24th STreet Theatre changed its board president without a shot being fired.
Boys to Men / De Niños a Hombres
I still agonize over the kids we couldn’t help.
Me preocupan todos los niños que no hemos podido ayudar.
Unaccompanied / Sin compañía
The two things that stand out to me most are complete contradictions.
Las dos cosas que más me llaman la atención son contradicciones completas.
Join the 24th STreet “See First’ family! / Únanse a la familia “Ver primero” de 24th STreet!
Facebook is rolling out a new update to help you see the posts that are most important to you, which is to say, the posts of your friends and family!
Facebook se va a actualizar, cambio que les ayudará a ustedes a ver las publicaciones más importantes, o sea, las de sus amigos y de su familia!
Generations at 24th ST: Meet Lynda Baza / Generaciones en 24th ST: Conozca a Lynda Baza
Her family spans After 'Cool to Teen Leadership Academy to Teatro del Pueblo.
Diferentes miembros de su familia participan en After 'Cool, la Academia de Liderazgo Adolescente, y el Teatro del Pueblo
La Lectura de Una Obra de Teatro Gratuitamente / Free Play Reading
Center Theatre Group y Teatro del Pueblo las invita / Center Theatre Group and Teatro del Pueblo invite you
Talking to Children About / Hablando con niños sobre: Martin Luther King Jr
Just as the new school year gets into full swing, we take a day off as a nation to remember Martin Luther King Jr.'s quest for equality.
"Todos somos una familia / We're one big family"
"y pues, estamos listos para presentarnos por cuarta ocasión con La Víspera / We’re ready to present our La Vispera for the fourth time."
Teatro del Corazón / Theatre of the Heart
La experiencia no pudo ser más satisfactoria. Trabajar en este grupo me enseñó muchas cosas.
Working in this group taught me many things. The common egos of actors did not exist.