Where did Cinco de Mayo Come From? / ¿De dónde vino el Cinco de Mayo?
Did you ever wonder how a holiday becomes a holiday? ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo un día se convierte en feriado?
Congratulations on Matthew Hill's Ovation Award nomination
Matthew Hill is a well-respected designer in the Los Angeles art scene.
Come Together, Right Now! / ¡Unámonos ahora!
It was humbling to see firsthand the workings of the solar system.
Production Values
I remember late one night in tech rehearsal when the designers literally had their heads in their hands. Because of the overlapping video and lighting and sound and music it was even more difficult than usual.
Recuerdo una noche ya tarde, estábamos en el ensayo técnico cuando los diseñadores literalmente tenían sus cabezas en sus manos.