Final 6 performances!“CRITIC’S CHOICE… gives an old tale new relevance… masterful staging… fine performances… a stunning visual tableau” — Los Angeles Times

Something you might have missed while you were eating your holiday turkey last weekend; our show, Hansel & Gretel Bluegrass made The Los Angeles Times Critic’s Choice list!

We’re down to our final 6 performances, 3 this weekend and next, so you still have time to see why the critics are raving about this great show. Emmy award-winning actor Bradley Whitford (The West Wing) is fabulous as our narrator, as is the rest of the cast. The critics are loving the gorgeous design work. The video, set, lighting, costumes, and sound design really mesh together beautifully. And Bryan Davidson’s story, as many of the critics point out, is quite sophisticated and is not at all what you think. This is a show for adults and kids alike.

In case you can’t tell, we’re very proud of this piece! We know it’s the holiday season and schedules are busy, but please try to squeeze us in this weekend or next. It’s a great piece of art and we’d hate for you to miss it. Oh yeah, and there’s pie. Perfect for the holidays. Please join us.

“RECOMMENDED… STAGE RAW TOP 10… imaginative surprises… richly complemented by the funky bluegrass tunes… fairy-tale mysterious and alluring” — Stage Raw

“HAUNTING AND INCREDIBLY TOUCHING… More than once I found myself holding my breath… pushes its artful storytelling to new heights” — Broadway World

“PROFOUND… moves in a sort of other worldly story-telling realm but also has the fascinating element of being historically real…. gorgeous simplicity… an even-better version than the original.” — Gia on the Move

“INVENTIVE… BEAUTIFULLY ENVISIONED… solid and empathetic performances” — Haines His Way

“EXCELLENT PERFORMANCES… Bradley Whitford as radio personality The Duke, brings the story to life… The Get Down Boys blue grass band underscores the story.” — On Stage Los Angeles

6 Actuaciones Finales! "La Elección de CRÍTICO ... da una nueva relevancia a un cuento antiguo ... una puesta en escena magistral ... excelentes actuaciones ... un impresionante cuadro visual" - Los Angeles Times

Algo que usted pudo haber faltado mientras que usted estaba comiendo su pavo del día de fiesta el fin de semana pasado; Nuestro show, Hansel & Gretel Bluegrass hizo la lista de The Los Angeles Times Critic's Choice!

Estamos en nuestras últimas 6 actuaciones, 3 este fin de semana y el próximo, así que todavía tienes tiempo de ver por qué los críticos están entusiasmados con este gran espectáculo. El premiado actor Emmy Bradley Whitford (The West Wing) es fabuloso como nuestro narrador, al igual que el resto del elenco. Los críticos están amando el trabajo de diseño magnífico. El vídeo, el conjunto, la iluminación, los disfraces y el diseño de sonido se entrelazan muy bien. Y la historia de Bryan Davidson, como muchos de los críticos se han expuesto, es bastante sofisticada y no es en absoluto lo que piensas. Este es un espectáculo para adultos y niños por igual.

¡En caso de que no lo sepas, estamos muy orgullosos de esta pieza! Sabemos que es la temporada de vacaciones y los horarios están ocupados, pero por favor trate de exprimirnos en este fin de semana o el próximo. Es una gran obra de arte y odiaríamos que te lo perdieras. Ah, sí, y hay pastel. Perfecto para las vacaciones. Por favor únete a nosotros.

“RECOMMENDED… STAGE RAW TOP 10… imaginative surprises… richly complemented by the funky bluegrass tunes… fairy-tale mysterious and alluring” — Stage Raw

“HAUNTING AND INCREDIBLY TOUCHING… More than once I found myself holding my breath… pushes its artful storytelling to new heights” — Broadway World

“PROFOUND… moves in a sort of other worldly story-telling realm but also has the fascinating element of being historically real…. gorgeous simplicity… an even-better version than the original.” — Gia on the Move

“INVENTIVE… BEAUTIFULLY ENVISIONED… solid and empathetic performances” — Haines His Way

“EXCELLENT PERFORMANCES… Bradley Whitford as radio personality The Duke, brings the story to life… The Get Down Boys blue grass band underscores the story.”— On Stage Los Angeles


'Tis the Season/Es la Temporada


Now More Than Ever... again. / Ahora Más Que Nunca... otra vez