Ladybird in the Press

The Word on Ladybird

The Daily Trojan really got to the heart of our Teatro del Pueblo project and the original show starring our neighborhood residents,Ladybird, with this article. If you'd like to easily share it, here it is posted on Facebook. For information on tickets click here! 
La Palabra en Ladybird

The Daily Trojan realmente llegó al corazón de nuestro proyecto Teatro del Pueblo y a la obra original protagonizada por nuestros vecinos del barrio, Ladybird con este artículo. Si desea compartirlo fácilmente, haga clic aquí: posted on Facebook .


KCRW Reporter Lisa Napoli attended rehearsal and spoke with community member Liliana Vasquez.

”It’s interesting what happens when people get together and start talking.  It gives hope that things in humanity are not out of reach and unfixable.”

For just 24 cents a ticket, a priceless look at the immigrant experience



Ivonne Rodriguez on air


Laurie, Jay & Ivonne pre-KPFK

(47 minutes in)


Want to see Ladybird? Here is how.


Introducing the Cast & Crew of "Ladybird" (Teatro del Pueblo)


Called to the Sky - Director's Notes on "Ladybird"