Artists of the Week / Artistas de las Semana 3/12/18 - 3/23/18
Each week in our three After 'Cool classes, we recognize one of our students as an exceptional artist. This is someone who has given something of themselves that we may not have expected, and is chosen by both the Teaching Artists and Teen Mentors. To give a little taste of the excellent work these children are doing, here is our Artist of the Week showcase for the weeks of March 12th and March 19th.
Cada semana en cada una de nuestras tres clases After 'Cool, reconocemos a uno de nuestros estudiantes como artista extraordinaria. Es alguien que ha dado de sí de una manera que nos sorprende, y lo escogen los Artistas de la Enseñanza y los Mentores Adolescentes. Para mejor entender el trabajo excelente que hacen estos niños, aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por la semanas del 12 y 19 de marzo.
"She doesn't ask for herself. A lot of actors, when they go on stage, they'll try and draw a lot of attention to themselves, like they're the most important person in the world and they need to be thanked for their entrance. Mariel just goes, projects, follows the director." - Teaching Artist
"No se mendiga. Muchos actores, al subir al escnario, procuran llamar la atención como si fueran la persona más importante del mundo y esperaban gracias. Mariel va, se proyecta, y sigue al director." - Artista de la Enseñanza
Mariel pictured with her Teaching Artist, Crystal.
"I was so happy when you volunteered to go in the middle with Brian last week and he gave you a note to be louder for the Grand Canyon and you did it and I heard your voice and I was so happy." - Teen Mentor
“I think she deserves this because whenever there’s a chance to volunteer, she takes it.” - Student
"Me alegré mucho que la semana pasada te hayas ofrecido como voluntario para actuar con Brian... te dijo hablar más fuerte, como para que te escuche en el Gran Cañon, y lo hiciste... te escuché y me alegré." - Mentor adolescente
"Creo que merece este premio porque aprovecha cuando haya una oportunidad para ofrecerse como voluntario." - Estudiante
"Be open, learn how to talk, and be excited." - Kingston, on theatre.
"Ábrete, aprende a hablar, y anímate." - Kingston, sobre el teatro.
Kingston pictured with his teaching artist, Brian.
"Ever since you’ve been at After ‘Cool, you’ve had a lot of energy when you enter the space. When you use that energy on stage, like today, when you helped volunteer with the principal scene, it’s always so fun to watch you act." - Teen Mentor
"Desde que llegaste a After 'Cool, siempre has mostrado mucha energía en este lugar. Cuando utilices esta energía para actuar, como lo hiciste hoy, cuando ayudaste con la escene sobre el director del colegio, siempre nos entretienes." - Mentor Adolescente
"You literally took over, even before I asked if you knew what we were supposed to do; you had this whole idea with the flower shop, and that really surprised me, you were ready with the scene in the police station." - Teen Mentor
"Tomaste la iniciativa, incluso antes que confirmé el plan contigo; tenías la visión de la escena con la floresta, y eso me sorprendió, y ya estabas lista para la escena con la policía." - Mentor Adolescente
"Even if he hasn’t been speaking, he's been in character." - Teaching Artist
"We were working on the scene in the flower shop, and you were giving so many good ideas and basically leading the whole scene. That shows initiative and leadership skills." - Teen Mentor
"Aunque no hable, sigue en el papel del personaje." - Artista de la Enseñanza
"Estábamos trabajando en la escena con la florista, y dio tantas buenas ideas que pudiste liderar todo el grupo. Eso demuestra que tomas la iniciativa y que tienes destrezas del liderazgo." - Mentor adolescente