Artists of the Week / Artistas de la Semana 2/19/18 - 2/23/18
Each week in our three After 'Cool classes, we recognize one of our students as an exceptional artist. This is someone who has given something of themselves that we may not have expected, and is chosen by both the Teaching Artists and Teen Mentors. To give a little taste of the excellent work these children are doing, here is our Artist of the Week showcase for the week of February 19th.
Cada semana en cada una de nuestras tres clases After 'Cool, reconocemos a uno de nuestros estudiantes como artista extraordinaria. Es alguien que ha dado de sí de una manera que nos sorprende, y lo escogen los Artistas de la Enseñanza y los Mentores Adolescentes. Para mejor entender el trabajo excelente que hacen estos niños, aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por la semana del 19 de Febrero.
"Gabriel’s been with us for two years and Gabriel’s been trying very hard to be with us and stay with us and last week when we rehearsed our Cool Kids, you were completely on task. You were on time to rehearsal, you did exactly what was wanted, and we pretty much forgot you were there. It was so awesome to have you here" - Teaching Artist
"Gabriel lleva dos años con nosotros y siempre se esfuerza para mantenerse al día, y cuando ensayábamos la semana pasada con los Cool Kids, estabas completamente enfocado. Llegabas temprano al ensayo, hiciste lo que se te pidió - no nos preocupábamos por ti. Fue genial tenerte aquí." - Artista de la Enseñanza
"We’ve seen him grow tremendously as an actor over the last few classes. We are proud of him and are excited to see what comes next for them." - Teaching Artist
"He’s taken a lot more interest in the activities, especially with singing and performing music, and participating more and more. You helped out to demonstrate how to jump for us, and that’s awesome." - Teen Mentor
"Lo hemos visto crecer como actor de gran manera en las últimas semanas. Nos da orgullo y estamos emocionados para ver qué hará en el futuro." - Artista de la Enseñanza
"Se interesa más en las actividades, especialmente en la canción y la música, participa más y más. Nos ayudó con la demostración del salto, y eso es genial." -Mentor Adolescente
Chavieon pictured with his teaching artist, Brian
"During the dance section, he committed very fully and actually modeled the moves for the rest of the class." - Teaching Artist
"Even though he plays around sometimes, he's always really in character, and funny." - Student
"Durante la sección de la danza, se comprometa con todo y en realidad modeló los paso por el resto de los estudiantes." - Artista de la Enseñanza
"Aunque se distrae de vez en cuando, siempre se comprometa a su papel, y nos hace reír." - Estudiante
Dustin pictured with his Teaching Artist Brian and without his certificate :)