After 'Cool Artists of the Week / Artistas de la Semana 2/5/18 - 2/9/18
Each week in our three After 'Cool classes, we recognize one of our students as an exceptional artist. This is someone who has given something of themselves that we may not have expected, and is chosen by both the Teaching Artists and Teen Mentors. To give a little taste of the excellent work these children are doing, here is our Artist of the Week showcase for the week of February 5th.
Cada semana en cada una de nuestras tres clases After 'Cool, reconocemos a uno de nuestros estudiantes como artista extraordinaria. Es alguien que ha dado de sí de una manera que nos sorprende, y lo escogen los Artistas de la Enseñanza y los Mentores Adolescentes. Para mejor entender el trabajo excelente que hacen estos niños, aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por la semana del 5 de Febrero.
“We decided to choose Cristina for Artist of the Week because she shows so much effort, she’s always here, always present, she projects very very well, she knows what to say, knows what to do, she comes in prepared.” - Teen Mentor
“We also picked Cristina because when you’re outside in the lobby and you’re waiting for everyone to come, you’re always playing with the other kids and getting along with everyone, and then when it’s time to clean up, you’re always on time and right in the door.” - Teen Mentor
"Decidimos escoger a Christina como Artista de la Semana porque siempre se esfuerza, siempre está aquí, está presente, se proyecta muy, muy bien, sabe qué decir, qué hacer, viene preparada." - Mentor adolescente
"También escogimos a Cristina porque cuando está afuera, en el vestíbulo, esperando que todos lleguen, siempre juega con los otros niños y se lleva bien con todos, y luego, cuando hay que ordenar, siempre está presta y entra inmediatemente." - Mentor adolescente
“Grace is someone who has been with After ‘Cool for a while, who is always volunteering, who is always showing up, and there have been a couple times where we thought, 'Should we give them artist of the week? No, let’s save them,' because we know they can always earn it, and this last time was we were starting to work on improv, as we were starting to make the story, she was sharing her ideas, she was participating fully, and she was also being really respectful and helping everyone else show up and give it their best.” - Teaching Artist
"Hace un tiempo que Grace está con After 'Cool, y siempre se ofrece, siempre viene, hubo algunas semanas que pensamos, '¿Esta semana la escogemos? No, todavía," porque sabemos que siempre lo merecer. Esta semana pasada, al trabajar con las escenas improvisadas, mientras establecíamos la historia, ella compartía muchas ideas, participaba con todo su ser, y era muy respetuosa, ayudando a todos a que suban a dar lo mejor de sí." - Artista de la Enseñanza
Grace pictured with her teaching artist Brian, practicing their scared faces.
Grace y Brian dan sus caras de miedo.
“We picked Rebecca because when she did the scene with me, she evolved into a different person, a person we hadn’t seen from her. She's usually the shy little girl but she evolved like a butterfly and came out of her cocoon.” - Teen Mentor
“My favorite thing about After ‘Cool is just getting to know everyone" - Rebecca
"Escogimos a Rebecca porque cuando hizo la escena conmigo, cambió en una persona distinta, alguien que no habíamos visto en ella. Normalmente es una chica tímida, pero se evolucionó como mariposa, saliendo de su capullo." - Mentor Adolescente
"Lo que más me gusta de After 'Cool es el poder conocer a todos." - Rebecca
Rebecca pictured with her Teaching Artist Brian