After 'Cool Artists of the Week / Artistas de la Semana

Each week in our three After 'Cool classes, we recognize one of our students as an exceptional artist. This is someone who has given something of themselves that we may not have expected, and is chosen by both the Teaching Artists and Teen Mentors. To give a little taste of the excellent work these children are doing, here is our Artist of the Week showcase for the first two weeks of the spring semester.

Cada semana en cada una de nuestras tres clases After 'Cool, reconocemos a uno de nuestros estudiantes como artista extraordinaria. Es alguien que ha dado de sí de una manera que nos sorprende, y lo escogen los Artistas de la Enseñanza y los Mentores Adolescentes. Para mejor entender el trabajo excelente que hacen estos niños, aquí presentamos nuestro escaparate de los Artistas de la Semana por las primeras dos semanas de la clase.


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“You [Joseph] said that an artist of the week is someone that shows progress, that projects, that participates, and those are all things that you were doing last week, you were very focused and on task, you volunteered a lot to be onstage and when you were an audience member, you were really respectful to everyone else. You’ve shown a lot of progress since the first week, so it’s really great to be able to honor you as artist of the week.” - Mentor

"[Joseph] dijiste que un artista de la semana es alguien que demuestra que ha progresado, que se proyecta, que participa, y hiciste todas estas cosa la semana pasada. Estabas muy enfocado y trabajabas diligentemente, te ofreciste mucho para subir al escenario, y mientras estabs en la audiencia, respetabas a todos los demás. Has mostrado mucho progreso desde tu primera semana, y me alegra poder honrarte como artista de la semana." - Mentor

Joseph pictured with his Teaching Artist Crystal

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“Damly is always so cheerful and always volunteers and is always excited to do whatever task is set out before her, last week especially with the dance, you were so excited, and you put your all into what we were doing, and we could tell you were having so much fun on stage, and you were really focused on what was being asked of you, which was really great, and we all noticed it.” - Mentor

"Damly siempre está alegre, siempre se ofrece como voluntario, y siempre se anima para completar cualquier tarea que se le pide. Especialmente la semana pasada, con el baile, estabas muy emocionada, diste todo de ti para hacerlo, y pudimos ver que te divertías mucho ahí en el escenario, y que estabas enfocada en lo que se te había pedido, lo cual era muy bueno, y todos nos dimos cuenta." - Mentor


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“[Hilario] is someone who is always on task, always focused, disciplined, and last class in particular, we were impressed with the amount that [he] was able to share and with the focus that he had.” - Teaching Artist

“Hilario’s one of the first kids I met, he’s always had a lot of energy and a lot of ideas, so I’m glad he can keep bringing that to After 'Cool.” - Mentor

"Hilario siempre está trabajando diligentemente, siempre está enfocado, disciplinado, y en la última clase, nos impresionó lo cuánto que pudo compartir con nosotros y el enfoque que tenía." - Artista de la Enseñanza

"Hilario es uno de los primeros chicos que conocí, siempre tiene mucha energía y muchas ideas, y me alegra que pueda llevar eso al After 'Cool." - Mentor

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"You really inspire me, you're very inspiring, and the fact that you come here... I remember the first time you came, I tried to talk to you, and someone had to explain to me that you didn't speak English. And now, you come every day with a smile on your face, you always smile back at me even if you don't understand what I'm saying. You have a very positive attitude, and I respect that a lot. I'm glad that you're here." - Student Artist

"Me inspiras de verdad, eres muy inspiradora, y el hecho que vienes… yo recuerdo que la primera vez que viniste, intenté hablar contigo, y alguien tuvo que explicarme que no hablabas inglés. Y ahora, vienes todos los días con una sonrisa, siempre me sonríes aunque no me entiendas. Tienes una actitud muy positiva, y respeto eso mucho. Me alegra que estés aquí.” - Artista Estudiante

Jennifer pictured with her Teaching Artist Brian


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“[Camila] is someone who tends to be a little bit more on the quieter side, but more and more we’ve been hearing [her] voice, we’ve been really seeing her, and she's been stepping up to the plate with a lot of different activities. Even today, she had a little bit of trouble when we were going around the circle, saying banana, and by the end of it, we could hear her every single time.” - Teaching Artist

"Camila es alguien que suele quedarse callada, pero cada día escuchamos su voz más y más, la hemos visto más, se ha ofrecido más para participar en varias actividades, y incluso hoy, tuvieron un poco de dificultad cuando decíamos 'banana' en el círculo, pero antes que terminemos, la oíamos cada vez."

Camila pictured with her Teaching Artist Brian

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“[Brian] is someone who is never afraid to jump in and is never afraid to be the first person to volunteer, is always super outspoken and outgoing, sometimes maybe it gets them into trouble, but we understand that it’s always pushing them toward the objective that we’re going for.” - Teaching Artist

“We chose you because you’re always up to a challenge, and you’re always the funniest one.” - Mentor

"Brian es alguien que no teme participar, nunca tiene miedo de ofrecerse, que habla lo que piensa y es muy amiguero. Por eso, a veces se mete en problemas, pero nosotros entendemos que esto siempre le ayuda a lograr el objetivo que queremos." - Artista de la Enseñanza

"Te escogimos porque siempre te desafías, y siempre nos haces reír." - Mentor


Passing the Gavel / Pasando la Batuta


Fifteen Years of Enter Stage Right/Quince Años de Enter Stage Right