Team 24: Bryan Davidson

delving into a classic fairy tale, and making it speak to our community.

Bryan Davidson

Playwright & LAb24  Member

How did you get your job at 24th ST?

I've worked with Jay and Deb on many different projects - through the LA Philharmonic, through Dog Ear playwrights (I'm a member).  But I've never got to do something actually at 24th Street!  So I was delighted to be asked.

Can you describe your job in one sentence?

No. Joking:  My job is to tell a great story, and then get out of the way of the talented actors and production crew who make it come to life.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

The sense of play.  Not play as in goofing off, but creative exploration.  Getting to ask, What if?

What’s your favorite memory from working at 24th ST?

Watching young people wander in and out of the lobby each night.  I realized that they think of this theater as a second home.

What part of this new season are you most looking forward to experiencing?

Starting to write!  I'm excited about delving into a classic fairy tale, and making it speak to our community.

Read more about LAb24

 Follow along for LAB24 's next show Walking the Tightrope 

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Watch Bryan talk about his 1st the Theatre!



1st Read of "Walking the Tightrope"


A Sample of Dia de los Muertos!