ROMA is here! Live-Blog of our Reunion & Prep

Today! Alberto & Norma arrive in LA & go straight to the theatre, 

where we'll lunch, then work on lighting and super-titles translation. Follow the live-blog all afternoon right here.

Have questions? Just ask.

Be the first to see Roma al Final de la Via (Rome at the End of the Line) this weekend. Preview Saturday at 2pm, opening at 7:30pm then a second matinee Sunday at 3pm. More info and tickets here.


From Norma at 9am PST:

norma angelica @normamexico @24thST Alberto and me start the trip to LA see you soon kisses



1:15pm Hanging the lobby display for all of our guests. Opening Saturday! image

1:45pm How does an Executive Assistant prepare for international guests? Jennie McInnis explains:

Holding for our Guests! They're on their way from LAX.

Stay tuned to witness the reunion.

3:50pm We feasted and now Viaje Redondo is on the phone to interview with La Opinion LA.


5:26pm Trying to translate the script but also keep the verbal puns. Tricky to translate! Subscribe to YouTube for notification of our video with Trans-Leida (Aleida).

 Check back or follow @24thST for updates.

Buy tickets for Roma al Final de la Via (Rome at the End of the Line)


Experience a little ROMA before you see it


Kassandra Responds to Meet Me @ Metro 3