Welcome to our new weekly segment, Family Fridays LA!

Here to bring you the best of intelligent family resources to enjoy with everyone you love. Suggest your own event in the comments below.

Pure Theatrics for Space!

The space shuttle Endeavor took a victory lap around Los Angeles today before it lands at its new home, the California Science Center. Executive Assistant Jennie McInnis snapped a photo when it flew above our space and across the street. Follow #spottheshuttle on twitter. We'll soon have a link to some video footage taken by staff too!

Theatre for ages 12 & up

Roma al Final de la Via is a hit with audience & reviewers alike, and we hope you'll make it! Saturdays & Sundays at 2pm, Saturdays at 7:30pm - only through October 7th. 

Saturday night we're also having a TweetUp before the show. Come say hi to your favorite LA Theatre Tweeters (#LAThtr).

Post-show, take your homemade tamales and beverages to share a talk with guest David Kurs, Artistic Director of Deaf West Theatre.

Theatre Through an Interpreter

Reserve your tickets - Ensure your spot!


Inner City Arts Allies

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of representing 24th ST Theatre for a conference with all of the Arts Allies associated with Inner City Arts. We'll connect with you with each of them over the next few weeks. Many great events!


Friday, September 21 – EPFC FILMMOBILE screens THE SOUND WE SEE: LA & ROTTERDAM - 8 PM City Symphonies are a style of filmmaking created in the 1920’s that sought to celebrate the urban environment by capturing its form and flow on motion picture film, free of actors and narrative devices. Earlier this year, two of our staff members spent four months working with immigrant and at-risk youth at WORM in Rotterdam, Holland to create a modern-day City Symphony. This film was a sister project to The Sound We See: A Los Angeles City Symphony created in 2010 by 37 local teenagers. Both films celebrate local landscapes while inviting audiences to reexamine notions of place and identity.

FREE OUTDOOR EVENT FREE OUTDOOR EVENT, corner of W. 37th Street and S. Hill Street 90089. Everyone welcome! Follow us on Twitter @EPFCFilmmobile for more details. Program support generously provided by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. More info.

Saturday 9am A Place Called Home LA84 Soccer Game

Ross Snyder Recreation Center - East 41st ST, Los Angeles


Get Lit GLP Auditions at 11am

142 N. Hayworth Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90048

info@getlit.org - More Info


826LA Workshop - The Ins and Outs and Overs and Unders of Control 

Sat 9/22 1-3pm

In this workshop led by students in the USC MFA program, students will explore control--the challenges of being under something's control and of having control over things, and the feelings of being in control and out of control. Students will reflect on the control they do and don't have in their own lives, and will experiment with controlling the rules of writing.

826LA in Echo Park 1714 W. Sunset Blvd. Echo Park, CA 90026

more info


Theatre Through an Interpreter - Pt 1


Updated: Not Convinced? More ROMA Reviews!