Professional Development
Teaching as a Performing Art (TAPA)
24th Street Theatre’s TEACHING AS A PERFORMING ART Professional Development workshops are like no other, allowing educators to train on the stage of a professional theatre where the power of live music, lighting, and sound is used to help Teachers experience themselves as artists! We don’t just do PD, we inspire!
TAPA teaches educators how to integrate basic performance techniques in the everyday classroom to make their job more rewarding and creative and to make their students better and more enthusiastic learners. Call 213.745.6516 for TAPA info.
Imparts effective teaching strategies through art making in theatre
Integrate basic performance techniques in the everyday classroom to make your job more rewarding and creative
Help students become better and more enthusiastic learners
Teaching as a Performing Art has been taught across the country and the world
Guaranteed to make you remember why you became a teacher!
Teaching as a Performing Art (TAPA) imparts effective teaching strategies through art making in theatre. Acting and teaching are both the art of persuasion. A teacher who discovers themselves as a creative and imaginative performer has the power to make their classroom a constant opportunity for inventiveness as well as making deeper interdisciplinary connections. Engagement before information is one of our basic philosophies. And there is no closer relationship than theatre and language arts. The central fact of both is listening and speaking as well as an approach to social and emotional learning.
And literally sharing or mirroring excellent teaching strategies with each other is an important part of what we present.
Learning to think of teaching as a performing art as not a ‘set aside’ curriculum time, but rather as an approach that puts art making and constructivism to use in every aspect of a teacher’s day is a powerful tool. A teacher who can adapt, improvise and create in the moment is a teacher who will not be afraid of change but rather recognizes the opportunity and embraces it as an imaginative and visionary professional.
Interested? Email THEATRE@24THSTREET.ORG to learn more and book today!
A Leader in Arts Education
“Best, Most practical, Most applicable, Most entertaining workshop I’ve ever attended!”
“Enthralling! You have pushed me into a higher level of teaching!”
“It was fantastic and renewing!”
“Confirms what I truly believe about teaching!”
“Great! It was fun – like teaching and learning should be!”
“Workshop was excellent from beginning to end!”
“You two are inspiring!”
“Wow! We can have fun in the classroom!”
“I wish it was longer!”
“Wonderful workshop! You both make learning fun!”
“Thank you for giving us permission to try this in our rooms!”