Family Fridays LA 8/24

Welcome to our new weekly segment, Family Fridays LA! Here to bring you the best of intelligent family resources to enjoy with everyone you love. Suggest your own event in the comments below. Read last week's Family Fridays LA for more.

The Chemistry of Food aka Ice Cream Social

LA Makerspace

Saturday, Sept, 8th (12-3pm) in our space! (We are happy to host LA Makerspace, it is not a 24th ST event). Sign up!

"I think that the best way to learn something new is when you can enjoy the process and end results. Ice Cream is universally loved by people of all ages and backgrounds and the perfect way to bring a community together to experiment with new materials, get imaginations flowing and share in the experience." - Tara Tiger Brown

What better way to cap off the summer with ice cream!!

But not just any ice cream....

Experience the chemistry of food through such scientifically sound desserts as liquid nitrogen ice cream, carbonated fruit (using dry ice), and tablets which make sour food taste sweet.

Science Teachers and Nitrogen Handlers Levi Simons and Stacie Dahl will teach you about the chemistry behind our fun experiments and you get to eat the delicious results!

We'll attempt to make origami bowls to hold the ice cream. Points for not dropping any on the floor!

If you would like to try making a specific kind of ice cream or carbonated fruit, please bring the ingredients with you. We'll try strawberry, chocolate and even coffee!

The per person charge goes toward covering the cost of the liquid nitrogen, dry ice and other ingredients and supplies for the event.

This event is open to all ages.

Advance LA Basketball Club

Advance LA Basketball Club is a recreational club for young adults, 17 and over, who may have social or communicative difficulties, learning disabilities, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, or executive functioning challenges. The Basketball Club provides a great opportunity to learn and play basketball, develop healthy living habits, and make new friends!

Advance LA on Facebook



CTGLA Facebook Fridays - find Special Deals

Follow Center Theater Group on Facebook and every Friday they'll post special deals. This week it's from the Laugh Factory.

CTG also has some cool stuff every day on Twitter @CTGLA




2012-13 Season


Team 24: Jennie McInnis


Call For Art - in English & Spanish