Communi-Que w/ CMJ - July 25, 2013

Here is the second blog in my series where I'll update you on 24th ST activities & and answer any questions you may have.

Leave suggestions or topics in the comments or email me: . I'm also usually the one behind our twitter account, but not always! You can always ask questions there or on Facebook too.

-Cindy Marie Jenkins, Communications Director



Tuesday I met Noa, the owner of a brand new healthy cafe across the street from our space! A photo profile will post soon, but the sneak peek's to your left!


UPDATES: Last week I told you how we're handing over the keys to some of our social media accounts to bring you the perspective of our community. Long-time patron Ivonne Rodriguez jumped into this initiative by taking photos at last Saturday's Teatro del Pueblo. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Now for our latest COMMUNICATIONS INITIATIVE: Mailing List Re-Vamp

THE CHALLENGE: We took this week off from our weekly newsletter to evaluate the open rates and our delivery schedule. Soon we'll work to ensure you get the experience you need, whether that is monthly or weekly. We'll also ask for a mailing address update to those on our direct mail list.

THE HOPE: Give you what you want, when you want it, how you want it - to the best of our ability!

How do you want to hear from us? All suggestions are welcome! Email directly or comment on this blog!



  • A public calendar on our website where you can easily see activities, save dates & get the info you need!
  • 24th STories: collection of the people, places and meaningful neighborhood activity. Share your story in the comments.

Share suggestions below. I look forward to seeing you again or meeting in 2013-14!





Behind the Scenes of Movies Under the Stars


Communi-Que w/ CMJ* - July 18, 2013